i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,751 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2023 5:38:37 GMT
shiv Avatar



[attr="class","raidName"]A DISTORTION[break]




DESERT RUINS — a space-time distortion has descended within and around and in the heart of the middle of Hoenn's desert, bringing thunder and lightning and darkened skies. As you approach this dome of crackling energy, you can feel the world being unstable all around you. Traversal through the purplish membrane of this realm is seamless and yet, the world contained within is wholly different than what is outside.[break][break]

Highly aggressive Pokemon appear out of nowhere, as if teleported from an entirely different plane. Some of these Pokemon are of species never before seen.


Furthermore, the passage of time seems to flow differently here. The physical space before you glitches and fidgets too, occasionally forcing you to your knees.[break][break]

Participating in this distortion will allow your character to retrieve one of the following items per character:[break]



ONCE YOU HAVE COLLECTED EACH OF THE RED, BLUE, GREEN, YELLOW SHARDS, you can consume/redeem them all in the SITE SHOP for 100 PD. These shards are also required items to craft a SYGNA SUIT.



TO PARTICIPATE IN A SPACE-TIME DISTORTION, your character must make an IC-post of them entering the realm. Each of your characters can participate.[break][break]

However, your characters only have a limited amount of time to take advantage of the space-time distortion's peculiarities. Using items from the SITE SHOP that you have purchased or have earned, you can perform the following free actions.


  • Catch**/evolve/form change to Hisui (FOR FREE - 1X PER CHARACTER)
  • Learn PLA-exclusive moves (FOR FREE - 2X PER CHARACTER)
  • Age your character.

**Feel free to reflavor/reskin past Pokémon you have caught to be Hisuian versions caught during this Space-time Distortion. Furthermore, should you want your Pokémon to undergo an "IC" form change, you can explain the metamorphoses by the dimensional instability.[break][break]

Furthermore, please note in your post which Pokémon you are "catching/evolving/form changing", what moves you are learning, and more. If you are aging your character, please note to what age.[break][break]

If you are form changing a Pokemon into a Hisuian form, feel free to change moves that they would not be able to have to their equivalents (e.g. level up moves to level up moves / egg moves to move tutor moves because there are no egg tutor moves in PLA) free of charge.[break][break]

You are allowed to post in this thread without redeeming a change for your Pokemon.


[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,903 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2023 6:25:02 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

Her Dragapult flew her to the desert ruins as she had to hold on to the large dragon before the strange time-distortion made the woman curious to know what it had. The duo would enter through the space-time distortion as the blonde sent out her Jolteon to help fend off the wild Pokemon appearing to attack them. A small bolt of lighting was sent as a warning to the wild Pokemon that tried to circle around them along with Samael shooting out Dragon Darts to help out Raiden.[break][break]

During the fight between her Pokemon and the aggressive wild ones, Elise picked up a green shard and called her Pokemon over to leave the distortion before more of the dangerous wild Pokemon would show up as the trio would leave out of the distortion without any of her Pokemon being in danger.



- Teaching Thunderbolt to Raiden the Jolteon.[break]
- Picked up a green shard.



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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,693 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2023 6:58:38 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
It had been some time since he'd last entered a SPACE-TIME DISTORTION. By chance, Remiel had been flying past the DESERT before spotting the massive black dome that denoted the presence of this anomaly. After landing atop his AERODACTYL and disembarking, the royal prince dared to enter it. The academic in him longed to see the past come to life again, and was brimming with curiosity.

With the words had imparted unto him regarding PALKIA still fresh in his mind, Remiel wonders why these distortions continue to persist. Struggling to endure the debilitating effects of the zone, however, he isn't allowed much time to think about it. Instead, he hastens his search for an archaeological zone he had discovered in the area a few days ago when he'd bumped into here.

And, sure enough, he finds it considerably less old than it used to be. A RED SHARD waits for him there on a seemingly freshly carved stone altar. He steps forward to take it, and his Aerodactyl roars in the thunderous black skies above when it spots something near: a HISUIAN GROWLITHE.

Frightened by the lightning and the displacement, the pup places itself between Remiel's legs for safety. He begrudgingly picks it up after stashing away his artifact, then hurries to leave as the symptoms that come with exploration here worsen.

GROWLITHE has been reflavored to the HISUIAN GROWLITHE above!


has acquired a RED SHARD!


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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
2,062 posts
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2023 9:46:38 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
Whoa, a space-time distortion?! Hadn't seen one of those in a hot minute. Andrea happened to be jogging along Route 111, when she saw the familiar bubble of dimensional fuckery manifesting over the desert. "Time to investigate! Let's go, Errbear!" She gestured at her Ursaring, who growled affirmatively.

The inside of the distortion was as weird as one would expect, but also felt different than last time somehow. Rather than it being a displaced piece of geography, it truly lived up to being a 'distortion', things contorting unnaturally and glitching out like a video game that was shipped too early.

A twinkle in the ground caught Andrea's attention, the dragon-hooded girl kneeling down and digging up a RED SHARD. "This one's a different color than the others. What do you think, Errbear?" She turned around and, to her surprise, her ursine companion had grown twice as large. The gargantuan bear stood on all fours to support its new body weight, while its fur and claws were caked in mud.

"Oh hey, you evolved! Neat!" The young PokéManiac smiled widely. What new tricks could this bear now learn? She couldn't wait to find out.
//ursaring evolves to ursaluna
//picking a RED SHARD
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played by


August 22nd
Goldenrod City
Pokéathlon Athlete
Rising Star
my howling heart is yours
to do what you will
6'2" / 187 cm height
6'2" / 187 cm height
don't dry with fakes or fears, 'cause you will hate yourself in the end
249 posts
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TAG WITH @toshiaki
Toshiaki Macallan
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2023 10:46:11 GMT
Toshiaki Macallan Avatar
[newclass=.avatar]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.avatar img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]



Another day, another space time distortion. Being in these spaces always has him feeling a bit ill. At the very least, he had his Arcanine with him to help trudge through the unusual shift in terrain, and the typical desert heat. Toshiaki is conscious of keeping his distance from overly-aggressive Pokemon.[break][break]
Still, it looks like this won’t be a normal stroll..[break][break]
When his Arcanine starts to glow out of no where, he fears the worst. However, as flames briefly surround the canine’s form it’s almost as if a new power has been discovered? Either way, he wants to lie low and get out of here as soon as possible. He follows his pup’s lead to safety. [break][break]
- Arcanine is learning RAGING FURY![break][break]
- Picked up a Blue Shard[break][break]




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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
2,384 posts
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2023 18:29:21 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Long time no see, distortion.” He greets the familiar purple dome far beneath Mirage's shadow, lightning flying off the unstable bulb of energy in a seemingly aggressive welcome in return.

It had been some time since the last space time distortion had descended upon Hoenn. Months, in fact. 

When his devices had blinked with alerts, Angelo hungrily taking in the soaring levels and coordinates, he hadn't hesitated to cross the stretch of Hoenn's golden desert sea just to see it. That he still holds an agreement with and the League research department is a secondary motivation. 

He'd missed the rush of Distortion Chasing. 

Take us down, Mirage.” His spark is masked beneath a bandana pulled up over his nose and aviator goggles over his eyes, as the Salamence descends through the flimsy window to a dangerous realm long ventured.

And once again a green shard awaits in the sand, sparkling like shiny Salamence scales. 


- picking up a GREEN SHARD

[newclass=.angelocam] [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam b] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam i] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
87 height
87 height
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TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2023 12:53:29 GMT
Ettie Avatar
It was safe to say, that Ettie had been caught by complete surprise by the space-time distortion. She had, in fact, already been there when the distortion formed - having been looking around at the local fire-type pokemon native to the desert and route 111 as a whole, and trying to hunt down a wild tera pokemon that she had spotted once upon a time, a long time ago! But as she and her pack had been resting - hiding out from the sun in the shade of an olden wall that hadn't yet fully crumbled - things had begun to go awry...

It was almost like a storm, yet all the more sudden - a thunder-like crash was the herald to the fabric of reality swirling about them, and the world itself seemed to shift into something else entirely. Immediately, the pack was alarmed - barking, crowing, and the like. Something was wrong - horribly wrong - in a way that Ettie lacked the means to articulate or properly comprehend. Was this like that prior trip to the Border with Josh and the others? Or something different...?

In either case, the silver lining to it all - even amidst the danger of the berserk and disoriented pokemon that had begun lurking the shadows of the ruins - would be the fact that it was a very localized phenomenon. With a little stealth, Ettie found the edge of the dome that had formed over the ruins - and she found that she could easily leave, if things got too dangerous. On top of that, this distortion had brought with it a little goodie, in the form of a pretty red shard.

Maybe there'd be more? She wasn't sure - but she was confident in the pack's ability to fend off these pokemon, and perhaps Josh or Callan or some other person might find interest in whatever other things she could find here..! Thus, little Ettie began searching - much to poor Anne's chagrin, with the lycanroc being more keen on just leaving...

Ah well...
Teaching Astus Ominous Wind, teaching Adrea Swift
Giving Ettie a Red Shard
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played by


May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
Fox tails hidden under wedding dresses
757 posts
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TAG WITH @makotokurumi
Makoto Kurumi
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2023 13:48:49 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
The idea of space-time distortions were pretty unusual inofitself - they were something that didn't just happen in normal day-to-day life, as far as Makoto understood. And yet, that being said, there had been whispers amongst Rocket that there might've been something especially unusual about this one in particular - not that Makoto could figure out what made it all that much stranger than others, exactly.

Still - it was a phenomenon that demanded studying, and Makoto was sure they could get some merit by at least bringing something back or by recording an excursion into the distortion. And thus, atop Yurei's back, they'd enter - Kuro trailing close behind as usual.

Perhaps, they could've come in on Nobu - he was generally faster than Yurei, after all. But given the stormy conditions, they were not confident in entering from above being safe. They still brought him all the same, however - and second that they entered the distortion, they were quick to bring him out alongside the rest of their team. They would come prepared, with a variety of pokemon to handle a variety of threats.

And indeed, the threats were plenty - namely, in the form of displaced pokemon. Disoriented and hostile, these pokemon were lashing out at anyone who entered the distortion it seems, and Makoto's group was included amongst such. Nobusuma peppered at the enemies with blades of wind with every swoop above, Tsume blasted a horde with dark energies, and Kuro inflicted a supernatural malice upon a particularly stubborn foe...

... But what had become most notable, was when Yurei - as she charged and struck at a foe with her usual Psyshield Bash - began to change, as if influenced by the energies of the distortion. A larger size, beautiful white fur, a noble countenance - Yurei had changed, and most certainly not for the worse, even if it had been bewildering to witness.

With the enemy pokemon being fended off though, Makoto was able to come across something interesting - a blue, almost crystalline looking shard... They weren't sure if it was anything special - but they'd pocket it all the same, just in case. It did look rather pretty, anyhow - and who knows? Maybe they could find more like this out here, or some other form of interesting treasure...

- Yurei evolves into Wyrdeer and learns High Horsepower
- Nobusuma learns Ominous Wind
- Makoto finds a Blue Shard
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the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2023 20:12:28 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar
she does not feel the same fear she has felt before. the monster's rumble is a faraway echo, one she can attribute to the thunder above. but her palms sweat, betraying her, as she thumbs the pokeball in hand. lyune is too obvious; others have already flocked to the rift. 

she skirts its perimeter, keeping her head low. the ball in her hand bursts open with a sudden and violent pulse of energy. aoife's form shudders; white light blankets her, choking her, and from the gooey mass of her flesh sprouts a steel shell. 

then she is returned to her scowling trainer. freya waits, watches, searching for any sign of the creature she helped release in littleroot. but when monstrous pokemon emerge en masse, she plucks a treasure from the earth and flees on dragonback.
picked up red shard
aoife swaps form to h!goodra
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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,667 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Jan 20, 2023 0:01:09 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo had almost thought that Hoenn was done with Distortions; it had been a good while since the last one, and the Pokemon they were brought in became a regular part of Hoenn wildlife - and less aggressive too.

Alas, one could never let their guard fully down, and the moment Hideo heard the signs of a Distortion about to drop, he was on guard, readying his Pokemon - only for Uxie to appear.

Before he could panic, Uxie assured him it was Illusion'd as a Ralts, and it assumed its position on Hideo's shoulders. He had to wonder if his Zorua was getting tired of being the subject of such frequent Skill Swaps, but then again, that Zorua did enjoy the Levitation it got out of it.

With such a powerful Pokemon quite literally backing him, making his way through the Distortion was easy. His "Ralts" was able to fend off any attacking Pokemon, and it even helped guide him towards one of the many shards that were littered about, taking a Red Shard and stowing it away.

"Eventually, I'll put these towards a Sygna Suit," he muttered, "If only they weren't so expensive…"

Grabbing a Red Shard
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,597 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nomi
Naomi Sato
POSTED ON Jan 20, 2023 2:04:39 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

Nomi had encountered Space-Time Distortions before: domes of strange, crackling energy that seemed to warp the very fabric of existence. She had studied them from the outside, touched their edges with her fingertips, tasted the power that lay beyond - unfettered and reckless, chaos made manifest. But she had never walked directly into one, deliberately throwing herself into the storm.[break][break]
Not until today.[break][break]
"Let's see if this works," She murmured. At her side, Dill stood patiently, unafraid. The Sneasel would be ready to protect his trainer should she need him. What danger they might encounter...well, he could not say.[break][break]
Ready to test a budding theory, Nomi stepped across the threshold of the distortion. The scientist was immediately flung to her knees by a sudden crash of thunderous force. Lightening flashed ominously around her, illuminating a desert landscape that was like the environment she had come from and yet not like it. Sand dunes were larger, there were thicker patches of vegetation, and the entire space shimmered with a rhythmic flickering, as if trying to decide what it wanted to be, caught in the midst of a transformation not yet complete. All around her, the wind howled.[break][break]
She looked to Dill, and saw that he had changed. His form was...the same and yet...his claws seemed a little bit longer, and his fur was now several shades of pale purple instead of deep blue and pink. He cocked his head at her, uncertain, as if sensing something was different but unable to ascertain what it might be. Had his type changed? She'd heard of the Hisuian phenomenon, of course, but had never seen it in action.[break][break]
Something seemed to stretch within her, as if the storm was pulling at her soul, trying to rip it free of her body. She cried out in pain, hands hitting the sand as she fell further forward. Yes, is this it? Is this -- [break][break]
A sudden vision flashed before her eyes - a woman with long pink hair, crimson eyes, a cold expression, holding a gun to someone's head. Someone who was tied up in a chair, unable to escape her wrath. She pulled the trigger, and the resulting sound was a loud crack of thunder: from the gun or from the sky?[break][break]
That was me, she realized with a sudden intuitive certainty. An alternate universe? An illusion?[break][break]
Her future?[break][break]
She gasped as her eyes snapped open. The storm was gone, the landscape was calm. The distortion's dome was ahead, where it had been before her little experiment. Dill was heaving with fatigue; he'd dragged her out, she realized. In his claws, he held a glittering yellow shard.[break][break]
She felt odd, like she had a bout of vertigo. She took a few deep breaths, then tried to stand. Shakily, she got to her feet.[break][break]
"Did it work?" She asked, turning to the new Sneasel, eyes wide and eager. "You changed...but did I?"[break][break]



Nomi's Outfit Inspiration[break]
Nomi recovers a yellow shard[break]
Nomi's Sneasel changes into Hisuian Sneasel[break]
Nomi ages up by two years (she is now 24)



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june 27
Jubilife City, Sinnoh
art thief
Like the birds
of a feather, baby
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
245 posts
Ikarus Rook DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ikarus
Ikarus Rook
POSTED ON Jan 20, 2023 14:07:02 GMT
Ikarus Rook Avatar



Rook had never travelled this far out before. The desert was unlike anything he'd felt before, blazing heat and dryness that he can feel through his skin and the creak of his bones. It reminds him that his usual preference has always been for the cold, but he was there for a reason. It couldn't be avoided. Of course, he'd been encouraged by a supportive boyfriend, so it didn't make it all that hard in the end to build up the courage.
Jinx didn't really know why they were there either and he couldn't blame the Zoroark's confusion. In truth, he didn't fully know why he was there either. Not entirely, at least. This would either go well or... well, it wouldn't. The latter was probably more likely considering his usual luck with these sorts of things. Those were negativities that he was learning to wean himself off of though. Rook was far crueler to himself than anyone else could ever manage to be.
For a moment, his eyes leave the Zoroark, fixating then on the shard before him. A YELLOW SHARD that glints in the strange ambiance cast by the distortion. Hesitantly, he plucked it from the surface holding it aloft. His history of thieving made him nervous of the repercussions to this kind of plundering. Something told him he needed to act quickly. Yet, when he turned around, the zoroark he knew well had vanished and was then replaced in a different form.


Rook acquires yellow shard[break]
Zoroark (shiny) swaps to h!zoroark (shiny)[break]



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June 17
Blackthorn City, Johto
gym leader
gym leader
53 height
53 height
This soul of mine breaks over and over ...
291 posts
alec foster DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @alec
alec foster
POSTED ON Jan 20, 2023 14:15:02 GMT
alec foster Avatar
"What the fuck!?" Alec said aloud, seeing the chaotic thunderstorm looming over where the desert was at. It obviously didn't look normal, that was for sure. Still, a part of him was curious about what was going on, so he hitched a ride on Inferno, his Charizard, immediately flying towards darkened clouds. He also could even hear the thunder before he approached, deciding that it'd be best for Inferno to fly low, rather than be too high up. The dragon tamer had also felt this ... peculiar sensation all over his body just moments before they landed near the center of the desert. It gave him the heeby jeebies and he sure as hell didn't like it. However, before he decided that it'd be best to leave and forget ever being here, pokemon the likes of which he had never seen before appeared out of nowhere, and started to attack him and Inferno. "Oh, so ya wanna dance!? Then let's friggin go!" Alec yelled at unknown pokemon, with Inferno seemingly agreeing to his master's words as well.

Alec also called forth Helena the Goodra from her Pokeball, having her help inferno deal with the unknown pokemon, however, as things seemed to be okay in their favor, more and more unknown pokemon appeared, ready to take them on. "Crap," Alec exclaimed, only realizing now that they were severely outnumbered. Inferno and Helena didn't even have to be told it was time to go. However, before Alec had hopped on Inferno's back, he had spotted a RED SHARD glistening slightly overtop the sand. He picked it up, then proceeded to get the hell out of there.

They made it right outside of the dome of distorted energy after a decent bit of running, but as they stopped, something was happening to Helena. Her entire body started to glow, which made Alec watch in confusion. There's no way Helena is evolving, he thought to himself. He was right though. She wasn't. Instead of evolving, she was undergoing a metamorphosis, transforming into a Hisuian Goodra. Alec examined Helena's newly formed shell, tapping a finger against it, coming to realize that it was as hard as steel. "Was it because of the weird energy surrounding us that caused this? Alec thought to himself, looking back towards the dome of distorted energy that still stuck to the center of the desert. Either way, it was too dangerous for them to go back, deciding that it'd probably be in their best interest to head back home, and so they did.

1. Alec picked up a RED SHARD!
2. Helena the Goodra transformed into a HISUIAN GOODRA!
3. Helena replaced Poison Tail and Aqua Tail in order to learn Shelter and Heavy Slam!

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,796 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Jan 21, 2023 18:31:05 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
It’s been quite some time since they ventured into a distortions. Their appearance have seemed to have slowed down since the disappearance of Dialga and Palkia. Eva hoped they would just stop altogether. It would give her more comfort and hope in thinking their metaphysical barriers were once again more stable. Now, she doubted they were. Research was still vastly important.

The professor collected her data, as always, her sticky hands of her H!Goodra collecting samples from across the Desert Ruins, including a shimmering GREEN shard.

“Evolutionary experiment QW-002 in progress,” she speaks to the RotomPhone recording the events. A flash of light releases the Hisuian Qwilfish. It only take a moment for it to evolve into the familiar OVERQWIL, “Another success,” she concludes with a smile, returning the more violent poison type to its pokeball.

2) Eva’s H!Qwilfish evolves into Overqwil!
3) H!Goodra learns Shelter

-1 free evolution from inventory
-1 move tutor from inventory

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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
1,199 posts
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TAG WITH @maverick
maverick noah ryder
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2023 16:53:11 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar
By now, these distraction events have been the normal in hoenn. Yet for some reason, this one was strangely different somehow. The burnt scarred man entered the crackling dome, warm crimson colored orbs shifted over the dark ominous sky that claimed the dome. The sensation that something was amiss could not be shaken, evening causing the man to stick close to his creature. “Heads up,” the man mumbled to his pokemon, “Something doesn’t feel right.” The hisuian shadow arcanine let out a serious of grumbles. The pair pushed forward.

Several hours into exploring the distortion, Maverick had collected a shard. He shoved it into his pocket, still on edge and high alert. Yet despite being here for some time, Maverick hasn’t found anything that seemed more unusual than normal. Well… what is classified as normal here. Reaching into his pocket, the man summoned another creature. The quilava materialized within seconds, taking in its surrounds. But as soon as it did, the creature took on a brilliant white glow. And within seconds, the once middle evolution shifted into a hisuian typhlosion. Maverick offered a tiniest of smirks. The more the merrier right.

ooc: pd is acting up for me.
- using x1 type two evolution from pc to evolve into quilava
- using x1 free evolution from distortion to evolve into hisui typhlosion
- hisui typhlosion learns infernal parade
- shadow hisui arcanine forgets fire fang to learn extreme speed
- collects blue shard
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing